
WITH Karla Kracht & Andrés Beladiez
We're interested in discussing reality and perception. The way we communicate and present ourselves depends on many factors beyond our control.

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There are many subconscious processes at work simultaneously, showing different aspects of ourselves depending on multiple factors: where we are, who we’re interacting with, our level of trust with the people we’re facing… All these variables and many more drastically influence the projection of ourselves and make us different in each moment… What remains? What is the essence? How closely does the way others perceive me resemble the image I have of myself? Am I the same person or am I actually someone else? What happens when these interrelations are reciprocally affected? Can a relationship with a stranger change another person’s perception of me? Am I still myself? How many selves exist?

Can these same questions be extrapolated to a social, political context, exploring not just the individual but the different structures and conventions that represent our society (from institutions to concepts like money, fame, religion)? What is real? All? None? If nothing is real… Where are we? Who are we?

We know that everything is based on creations and agreements built on trust. That in reality, few things truly exist outside of the agreements made and generated over centuries in our society… Agreements and beliefs that have helped us evolve as a species… What happens when this trust, these agreements are broken or diverge? Historically, we have many examples… New religions, new states, wars… In short. Everything changes. And this directly affects the values instilled in us in society from birth, gradually changing outside of ourselves and confronting us with constant decision-making where either I stay out and generate a new circle of influence or I accept it and therefore clash with the different circles created by others who think differently…

Formally, we are investigating the interaction between video and the actor-manipulator, seeking a way to display the video away from pre-recorded images. We use computer-generated images that allow us to project them onto a stage without them always being the same, being able to vary them in real-time at will.

Here are some examples: If we connect the DMX protocol of a stage space with a virtual world, any change in the lighting of both spaces will affect the other. We can change the lighting at will in a virtual world, and this change affects the lighting of the stage space at that moment or vice versa.

We can position an actor using a coordinate system and motion tracking in a virtual world that is projected onto the stage at the same time, varying based on the actor’s movements.

We can create a virtual scenography that, through a video mapping system, connects with the real stage and modifies it according to narrative needs. Changes of space, time, characters… a whole world of possibilities…

This is a project that has just been born, the most valuable thing for us is to follow a path that we don’t know but intuit. We’re not looking for a specific result; we’re looking for a path of experimentation that allows us to delve into unfamiliar territory. To learn.

Karla Kracht & Andrés Beladiez

Residing in Spain and working internationally.
Karla and Andrés' collaboration is the result of a major financial crisis that affected much of our planet. The global economic situation freed them from arduous jobs, commissions, and festival direction. It was then that they came together to create works that exist at the border between theater, cinema, animation, performance, and installation.
Coming from visual and performing arts backgrounds, their work is a combination of disciplines, impossible to fit into a single category.
They develop their innovative work in creative residencies in Korea, Bolivia, Portugal, Germany, and Spain, where they also engage in community activities, artist talks, and offer workshops and courses. Their work has been awarded and exhibited on 4 continents, in more than 22 countries, and in over 50 cities. They also work separately on theater projects and video installations.
They speak about everyday life, as well as the extraordinary, about our society, history, and the future, about the world we inhabit. They exhibit their creations at festivals and art centers worldwide.