EiMa és una manera de fer i pensar. De fet, EiMa és una paraula en progressiu desús que al·ludeix a la capacitat innata que tenim les persones de fer les coses amb seny, cura i encert; de discernir i orientar-nos vers el que és bo per nosaltres i per a qui ens envolta i acompanya



About EiMa

EiMa is a creative and research centre for dance and the living arts dedicated to the hosting, accompaniment and support of working and experimentation processes, generating a dialogue with the territory and creating networks with other structures and agents locally, nationally and internationally. It also generates a yearly festival as well as teaching activities at different levels and presentations of working processes.

The festival


We have been growing the performing arts festival of the town of Maria de la Salut for nine years, unifying culture and rurality. EiMa is not just any festival; it is an innovative and daring celebration generating spaces for transformation. Different ways of seeing produced collectively together with the community of Maria, through research, experimentation and listening.


newsletter EiMA maig 2024

With the complicity of


We are part of
