Currents: gira mundial en veler

WITH Acting for Climate
Currents is a global sailing navigation project that combines art and environmental action.

Currents is a global sailing navigation project that combines art and environmental action. At its core, Currents emphasizes important concepts such as love for nature, sustainability, and contemporary circus techniques. The team consists of 5 professional artists aboard our sailboat, with which we will make stops at various ports around the world, joining forces with local artists, environmental organizations, activists, and scientists. United in this great collaboration, we share artistic methods and techniques, exploring sustainable pathways for the geographical areas where we will sail, and their inhabitants, creating a show that Will leave no spectator indifferent.

Acting for Climate

Acting for Climate is a performing arts organization whose aim is to inspire people to take action for a more sustainable future. Through our performances and workshops, we work as a coordinated organization in blending art and environmental awareness, as well as a theater company and collective for our own productions.

The Acting for Climate project began in 2014 by circus artist Abigael Winsvold (Norway) and actress Victoria Gulliksen (Norway). Currently, we have a core team of 5 artists, a producer, as well as an extensive network of over 50 artists throughout Europe and a sister organization in Montreal, Canada.