Dona caragol

WITH Aina Compte
6-12 MAY
From an intimate subjectivity, the caragol woman expresses the paradox of self-image in today's world.

From an intimate subjectivity, the caragol woman expresses the paradox of self-image in today’s world. An omnipresent eye, the main character, can also be the subject of a photographic camera. The present burdened by the past: “We are avatars of our past stupidity” Pesoa.

It’s a creation show where we explore limitations. As a woman. As a human being. Facing the past, present and future. In front of the world of the image.

The Dona caragol show is a multidisciplinary production where we play with words, dance and images. The text is fragmentary and without any apparent thread. From a small love letter from Frida Kahlo to Rivera written in a crumpled envelope, to a selection of texts by Carles Carbó.

“I say, my love, Don’t forget that as soon as you finish the fresco we will meet forever, without quarrels or anything, just to love us a lot. Don’t behave badly and do everything that Emmily San leaves you. I love you more than master. You girl Frida”.

Aina Compte

Actress trained in Palma, Barcelona and Madrid. She is the creator of the scenic fish Enamorades de la Mar, Surabaya, A Granel, Afrodisiaco, No Nou nou nou! Clochards, Vainilla! Diàleg amb l'ombra, etc. As an actress she has participated in the productions of the Teatro Principal de Palma Mort de dama and Desbarats, with Llorenç Villalonga. Likewise, in the audiovisual field he has participated in numerous short films and television series. We highlight the feature film Bert, by director Lluís Cassasayas. She also works as a narrator in documentaries.