‘A corrupted empire’ de Arianna Bonacina Martí Ramis

WITH Apolvere - Arianna Bonacina Martí Ramis
from September 9 to 22

‘A corrupted empire’ is the representation of an imaginary we envisioned during the early process. Stuck in a place where time and space are empty concepts, we researched on how these circumstances affect us. In isolation, confrontation seems to be the only way to escape the bleak landscape. Within conflict the ego manages at least to define itself through the negation of what it repudiates and rejects. In a postindustrial aesthetic two characters develop a complex, intricate as well as intimate relationship that drives them through a search for new perspectives in a seemingly exhausted land. During the development of the piece those two figures acknowledge each other only to be confronted with their own self, mirroring each other.

During this journey they face an internal conflict towards the decadent and contradictory aspects of their identity, which got formed within a context that they try to overcome. Morals and values get questioned as a result of a disconnection that takes place on a barren land; the internal compass that guides the usual develop of a person in each of the stages of life is pointless. The research aims to create and concretize the chapters/scenes that will define the telling of this story through different media: movement, text, video, music and light.

Apolvere - Arianna Bonacina Martí Ramis

Apolvere is a dance performance project created and co-directed by Arianna Bonacina and Martí Ramis Muñoz, a white, cis-hetro emerging duo from Italy and Spain. Still not based anywhere we search for opportunities that will allow us to discover and research further the movement and scenic vision that we hold in common. We are applying for this residency program in order to develop further and investigate our own language as a young creators, within the process of creation of the piece.

We would be interested in deepening the research we started on this duo in 2022, which was presented as a draft in Lust Am Risk festival in SEAD 2023, Friday Showing event in SEAD 2023 and L’Arreplegada festival in L’Animal a l’esquena (Spain) 2023.

This residency would be part of a ten month research that will start in January 2024 with a residency in L’animal a l’esquena and that will finish with the premiere of an extended and reworked version of at least 40/45 minutes of the over mentioned original draft that will be presented in FIET festival in Mallorca in October 2024.