Alejandro Fuster & Sara Mingolla

Alejandro Fuster & Sara Mingolla

“Still in creation” A guided visit to the culture and traditions from Mallorca in order to bring them closer to everybody. A queer vision of majorcan folk, the desire of rooten oneself again and caress the roots that we feel as ours too. . A musical and...
Vocis – For Eyes To Hear

Vocis – For Eyes To Hear

The v o i c e travels inside and outside the confines of the body. It vibrates and resonates in the cavities beneath the ribs and in the walls of a cave. Through movement, body and voice traverse space along different paths, at different speeds, discovering all the...


What does society demand of women and how much coherence does it have? How much freedom is there in us? How much can we be and not pretend? What are we like when we don’t feel observed? How would we be without social pressure? What would be our natural reaction?...


A critical and experimental perspective on the body pushed to its physical limits during an oncological process. On one hand, a body is presented as exhausted, depleted by an endless race in service of a competitive capitalism that demands constant performance. On the...


The Sibyl is a character from mythology Greek and Roman She is a prophetess capable of knowing the future. The Catholic Church also assimilated the character of the Sibyl and transformed it into the Song of the Sibyl, a piece of medieval origin that prophesies the...