Manuela Bernasconi - GIVEINDIVEIN | 28 march - 3 april 2022
Synopsis FAKE
FAKE is a performance. It questions the link between the performative act and audience participation, blurring the boundary between these two spaces, testing the audience's trust and sharing with them the potential of this act. The performance develops as a spectacle adaptable to any space and the dance emerges at the end, as a space of honesty, after subjecting the audience to all kinds of deconstructions through words, lies and jokes..
With GIVEINDIVEIN I have the need to return to the space and the traditional theatrical format face to face, which allows the audience and the performance to reflect each other. The work leans towards a valorisation of the feminine as a potential virtual place and its inseparable link to the transformative masculine. GIVEINDIVEIN will allow me to shift the balance of power to a place of carnal and perceptual manifestation, where words and concepts merge in a danced action.
I find myself today at a crossroads in my choreographic journey and between two projects, an older one, entitled FAKE and already developed, and a newer one, still in development, entitled GIVEINDIVEIN. Although the two projects have a very different format and relationship with the audience, they both deal with similar themes: the deconstruction of a format or a form, to allow access to a cathartic space, of transformation, of renewal.

Choreographer, performer and producer, for the last 15 years I have always accompanied my creative work with the transmission of practices to amateurs and professionals. During the last two years I have been deeply influenced by traditional Chinese culture and ideogram writing. I use the images of the I Ching, the traditional Chinese book of changes, to feed my movement practices, as other choreographers have done historically. I currently live between Switzerland and Maiorca, where I train in Chinese martial arts, Yi Quan Kung Fu and Tai Xi Quan.